Ground Saigon Cinnamon and by the picture can you tell I bought it :). So two trips to Vietnam and one which I spent 3 weeks in Saigon and I had no clue. Do you agree though that Ground Saigon Cinnamon sounds so much better then Ground Ho Chi Minh cinnamon? Now the history lesson.. The bottle reads Ground Saigon Cinnamon with a map of Vietnam on it with Ho Chi Minh City and below it says... Cinnamon trees are nurtured for 20 years prior to harvest in the tropical highlands of Vietnam, our Ground Saigon Cinnamon rewards cooks with a sweet-hot flavor unmatched by any other cinnamon. So why did I not see this delicacy in Vietnam?
On the adoption front.. well we told our agency months ago we wanted a new referral or our money back. We were told a new referral would come and it didn't. Not only that but families who have not paid the fee's we have have gotten referrals. So we ask the DIA to move our dossier to another agency and this is what they are told.. We are informed by Faith International that they are activating our old case. So does this mean the same thing to you? I took it as they took ALL our money and then blew us off. They even wrote that they would give our money back and NOTHING. Don't be shocked we are not. I have called a few agencies who have said stay clear do not go forward with that child if they are going to send her file to the DIA for them to fix it.
So nothing new we wait as they collect more money from families, refuse to give us a referral or our money back and we keep letting the U.S Embassy know where we stand with them.