Friday, June 19, 2009


That is what it seems Sierra needs when Myles is not done reading, looking or eating what his sister wants.
So today we stood in line to buy their cousins birthday gift. Myles found a book and wanted to share with me how the kitten meows. This is when Sierra gained interest and screamed for the book as it was hers. Myles looks up at me and say mom Sierra needs more patience. I wanted to ask if they sold it in the store as I had run so short of it today.
Reason one of being exhausted. A beautiful dog who gets me up at 5:30 each day as the neighbor fires up his new motorcycle. Yes she flips and I was sure was on her way out the bedroom window. This window is 3 stories up.

Another good reason I do not sleep is lack of room in my king size bed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Postive.. Yes a big fat positive

What a week. My daughter would tell you that this only happens in my house.

I have taken a full time job for now to get benifits. So that means I am now getting benifits for doing the hours I have been doing. This is a good thing. So a positive right?

And my sons t.b test a big fat positive. Yep they require the test to enter kindergarden and his is positive. So x-ray done and he is fine it is not active and my never have been. Now comes the fun part. We all had to get tested and 24 hours later we are happy to report nothing on anyone (ok it takes 3 days I know). Did you know the health department is called? My delema is they want him to take a pill once a day for 9 months. Are they kidding I forget vitamins argh.

So a bit stressed and I get a call today from my older daughter telling me to call Myles and see what is new. My baby is losing a tooth. He was getting his last teeth in when he was brought in that room 4 years ago and now he is starting to lose teeth. Slow this train down.

Oh and thanks to a dear friend for updating her blog. I loved it so much I jumped on the wagon and did a bit of tweaking.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Way to long....

Life has been crazy but fun. I forget to write and for my kids I am sorry..
Happenings in our lives

Old friends reunited
New puppy
New kitten
Painted rooms
graduating preschool
visiting friends

We have been having so much fun and not writing a thing about it.

Blueberry picking was so much fun. The kids loved picking and mom loved eating.

... Mom can I bring him home???



Why have I not seen enough

About Me

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Full time mom part time Maid, Cook, Gardner, Chauffer. Expert at folding panties that others find amusing to throw around the store. Adopted our son in 2005 and though g-d called many to adoption it was my desire to be a mom again that called me to adoption. We have one child from Kazakhstan and one from Vietnam and hope to add one more child to our family. Our dream started with China but I knew in Feb of 2006 that the projected 2 yr wait was at least 3 and I have no patience.