Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ahhh she is mine

We all worry in adoption about attachment. How long till they know we are mom. I have to say though I know Sierra was not attached from day one she was comfortable. She did not cry and slept through the night. One thing she did was suck her thumb though. Something others think is cute but as an adoptive mom it has a different meaning to me. I noticed it about a month ago and I thought she sucked it because she had to when she was hungry. We have gained over 2 1/2 pounds since home so she is not hungry so why still suck our thumb? This is when it dawned on me attachment. My daughter only sucks her thumb when she is really tired and fighting sleep. I noticed about 1 month ago that she was hardly sucking her thumb, this made me pay attention to when she did. When she is tired and a few times when someone else was holding her.

What my daughter also learned is how to control mom. I have never let my kids cry it out. As teens they are fine and no more spoiled then the rest. They needed me when they cried and I provided. Miss Sierra figured out if she cries mom caves in. Bed time has gotten later and later so what is a mother to do? I now lay down with her and she falls right to sleep. Amazing we are bonded (said with tears in my eyes). This little 7 month old has that sparkle in her eyes when I walk back in a room. That little giggle when she gets her way. Spoiled is ok she is my baby and I am her mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I pity the baby who does not get "spoiled" by her mama in this way, ya know? She is just beautiful!!! Addy does that same thumb thing and I had the same feelings about it.

Why have I not seen enough

About Me

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Full time mom part time Maid, Cook, Gardner, Chauffer. Expert at folding panties that others find amusing to throw around the store. Adopted our son in 2005 and though g-d called many to adoption it was my desire to be a mom again that called me to adoption. We have one child from Kazakhstan and one from Vietnam and hope to add one more child to our family. Our dream started with China but I knew in Feb of 2006 that the projected 2 yr wait was at least 3 and I have no patience.