What I am not getting is the little yellow card stapled to a little wooden stick on the empty lot behind us. It is warning for the second year in a row that the owner must clean his lot by June 1st. I am sure they write which year, or sure hope so. This year they moved the tag to the left about 10 feet. Still weeds and it is now July 19th if you think it is so dangerous maybe you should clean the lot?
The weather is perfect as usual in California. We get a nice breeze in the afternoon that cools things down quite fast. I have been busy trying to talk my tomatoes to grow and found something in one of my pots.....
Yet you got it a watermelon. I do not have a lot of room to grow but figured why they heck not try to grow them in pots. So I have 1 cucumber, 2 watermelon, Chinese eggplant (they grown in anything) tomatoes, lemons, peaches, apples. All in a small space.
On the adoption front. You better sit for this one as I am still sitting and trying to make sense of this whole thing. Yes it gets worse but better has to come some day. We are told that dispite being abandoned with a fake name and address for the mother that they have found her. What does this mean you ask? Who knows as we really have no information. I dont even think they know what is going on to be truthful. So decisions are being made, information exchanged and hopefully we will have answers soon. If we go on the LIST again where are we? I do wonder this as we are technically ahead of anyone else since we signed long before but as you know nothing goes as we would assume here.
So what do you think the bottom or top of the list for a referral? Should we pay more since the fee's are higher?
Karrie, my dear, they should PAY YOU to stay on the list!
If you dropped this referral and wanted to get a new one you would go to the front of the list immediatly. I know this because there was just a referral given out to someone who had lost their referral-since we are number 1 in line they got bumped ahead of us and got the next referral.
I hope you are able to figure this mess out and get some answers!
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