Thursday, July 05, 2007

The dark side

We have had such a wonderful time this summer so far. The forth was great and having our oldest meet his sister on the forth for the first time just adds to a wonderful day. Now mind you he has 3 children of his own and his children are older then their aunt but who is counting anyway?

I am so frustrated with our agency of our adoption though. You hear patience for so long and then learn that they just don't seem to care. Ok is this new? Not at all but heck at least hide it. We feel lied to for the last three weeks and wonder when or if it will ever end. This poor child suffers for what? Ok explanation sorry. First 3 weeks ago (approx) we are told her papers are done and they would go to her region to file the G and R. They have not to our knowledge yet and why you ask? Busy with other families? Seems not from what I learned from another family. She spent what 2 weeks in Vietnam and only saw the man running it 3 times. They told us over and over he was going this week now next week and it turns out he left Vietnam to go to Thailand (what a parent who just adopted said) to start a new program. Though happy for the kids you have to be kidding me.. Then we know he is back today and dear hubby calls and is told he isn't in. What they forgot to tell us is he is not in for YOU. See on a yahoo group they post that they called and spoke to him today.

My view of it all is the agency we got S. from is that much better then I ever though. They answered calls,emails and cared. They became our friends and us theirs. So CHOOSE WISELY. Our daughter suffers for what?


Heather Field said...

Would you mind sharing who your agency is? You can email me at thanks! Love your blog!

Mia's Mommy said...

Hey Karrie. I'm sorry your agency is still using your daughter-in-waiting as a carrot on a stick dangled in your face every so often. I really hope, and I'm sure you are, documenting all this. How absurd!

I saw all the stuff on the POINTLESS yahoo group too where the moderator actually DEFENDED and APOLOGIZED to that horrid agency and even more horrid man running it! I was so infuriated by that whole thing. I won't even read the digests anymore after that.

Keep plugging along dear, someday you and your daughter will prevail!

Jo said...

I too saw what was posted and from being over there everything that was said was true. These were not lies being posted. I personally was never told about don't mention the private care but, I know that the the mother who said she was told to lie about private care so I am sure it's true.

I hope you bring your little one home soon.

Why have I not seen enough

About Me

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Full time mom part time Maid, Cook, Gardner, Chauffer. Expert at folding panties that others find amusing to throw around the store. Adopted our son in 2005 and though g-d called many to adoption it was my desire to be a mom again that called me to adoption. We have one child from Kazakhstan and one from Vietnam and hope to add one more child to our family. Our dream started with China but I knew in Feb of 2006 that the projected 2 yr wait was at least 3 and I have no patience.