Friday, May 25, 2007


What a great day, I took the kids to see Elmo/Sesame Street live. Everyone comment on how the baby almost 7 months old was just as into it as the 3 and 4 year old in our group. She didn't miss a beat and forget the nap. Now mind you we have had a rough 2 days as we are working on this one stubborn tooth. She is drooling, fussy and down right not happy about this teething thing.
So why rejected you ask? After a wonderful day with the kids my son and I are sitting and winding down. A commercial comes on for Olive Garden and I hint "wow mommy would love to go there for dinner". Ok so nothing I then said would you like to take mommy out to dinner to that restaurant? His reply "I don't have a car". I figure next best and I say but you do have a bike. "It does not have two seats though".

Thursday, May 17, 2007


As many know we made a change in hotels while in Vietnam. Many factors played into this but we were not comfortable and when you wake up and EVERYTHING is damp its time. So pictures of our two rooms.

Hong Ngoc

Melia... Add central Air and a real mattress I will work on getting the living room photo to load sorry...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Who makes the decision

After many months of waiting now 11 from referral we are no closer to getting our daughter we met in Nov/Dec in Can Tho. We are saddened that nothing has progressed and worse we have not gotten an update on her or any photos since shortly after we returned home. We are so happy with our little girl home with us through another agency since April 4th but still have this void. The few emails have given us no hope and then the last email. They offered to send our file to the agency who got our daughter home and part of our money. They referred to the agency by name (which was never posted on this blog) several times. We really don't want part of our money or part back over a year later or to have our dossier trashed or transferred to another agency. What we really want is our daughter.
So the dilemma is when do you realize your not going to get this baby? Is 11 months long enough to ask for a new referral or do you wait longer? Will I regret it forever if I give up hope? All this has kept me waiting and waiting. At no point have we given up hope but all of a sudden they say change agencies, wait longer (unknown time) or take a possible new referral?
If they could give us updates, news something this would help but we only know what they tell us, they say they are looking for the family of a baby abandoned in the hospital. So a needle in a haystack. Five months after seeing her and nothing. Now what?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

It's a Girl

8pds 2 oz of pure healthy baby girl. Add ten fingers and toes and you have Kaycia our newest addition to the family. Your asking but wait you just got home with Sierra right? Ahh this little bundle is my stepdaughters new baby born today. Our family seems to be growing in all directions. Welcome baby Kaycia to our family.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Are they efficient???

I opened my mail the other day to find that our government has become more efficient. Now if they could work on the time between interview that would be great. So our littlest addition now has a Certificate of Citizenship. This took under 4 weeks wow.
The letter that came with it and what being a citizen is did not fit an infant but one day she will appreciate it and the stamp of our president.
In the time home we have changed so much that I am amazed. I never thought I would want my child to cry but it brings joy to know that my daughter learned so fast that I will come to her or feed her the moment she needs it. She looks for me when someone else has her and best of all cuddles.
Now if only we could get the other agency to give us our child. We spent 3 weeks with her and fell in love and they just want to give her to another family. The letters from them shock anyone who reads them. Please pray we can bring her home we miss her.

Why have I not seen enough

About Me

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Full time mom part time Maid, Cook, Gardner, Chauffer. Expert at folding panties that others find amusing to throw around the store. Adopted our son in 2005 and though g-d called many to adoption it was my desire to be a mom again that called me to adoption. We have one child from Kazakhstan and one from Vietnam and hope to add one more child to our family. Our dream started with China but I knew in Feb of 2006 that the projected 2 yr wait was at least 3 and I have no patience.