Saturday, March 31, 2007

Next we will look for an apartment

So I have found a job...

So my daughter takes the picture and turns around to walk with me and the lady calls her to tell her she forgot the baby. You just have to laugh at what they must be thinking. The bananas I bought from the lady were expensive too and we don't eat them.

We have not seen sun since we got here but it is hot. I want to know when the sun is coming out and they say 2 months. That with the narrow streets and the high buildings it makes it look darker all the time. Trust me it does not stop my daughter from shopping though.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Our papers are in Hoi Chi Minh City why are we not?

So its official our papers went to HCMC to have the consulate investigate all the i's and t's of our adoption and if they are all dotted and crossed we will get a call for our Visa appointment next week. Lets hope for few delays as this is common it seems here.

I went back to the Embassy this morning to deliver a very important piece of paper. Our local USCIS changed our 171H the same day while my husband stood there and cabled it back to Hanoi so I can get the baby out. I did check out a few apartments in case we do not get out (just kidding). Now the hard part was getting there. I took a taxi and asked for the Embassy easy right? Nope it appears there are two buildings and I needed the consular section. So if I need the consular section and made it there eventually why are my papers sent across the country to the consular section in HCMC. So I am at the embassy and they direct me to the right office. Down the street then left. I ask a police officer if I am going right and he points in the wrong direction. Go figure but then again you have to see the streets here.

So who has the right of way. They did sit there for a bit jammed and you just have to stand and stare its nuts.

keep these streets in mind next time you complain of traffic. This is light.

And your last picture is formula street. I do not know how they make money when streets are all the same product. Formula street, clothes street, liquor street and on. I did not find coffin street but heard they have one.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My feet are so tired


So where have we been? Busy seeing all we can and enjoying.
First I have to post a picture of our laundry. You wonder why right? I sent laundry out which I limit due to the cost but when it came back in this basket folded clean, stain removed with a rose on top I just had to take a picture.

My kids better not expect this at home...

Now this one is at the museum of ethnograpie. An amazing museum that taught us a lot about the area our daughter was from..

Fishing baskets. But what makes it so great is the bike they are on top of. Could someone really ride the bike with this many baskets?

And my favorite is my little guy who loves his sister. He wanted to feed her but when he was done he announced "she is done she had enough".

Monday, March 26, 2007

Close of a week begining of a new life

Today was our last day with daddy so we tried to see, do and enjoy. It gets real edgy when you know that your going to be on your own ok my daughter has been fantastic it was just weird knowing your staying and they are going where you want to be.

So today we ventured out and my little ham wanted to have pictures taken of him. I bought the hat from a street vendor who was to be honest driving me nuts. One dollar one no thank you two for one dollar. No thank you. One dollar one it went on and on. I bought two then it was 2 dollars for the big one. End of this I had 2 small one large. Little did I know one was a blue tie one a pink. He told me as he said one was for him and the other for sierra baby.

So where we went today, everywhere our feet took us.

And then we got attacked. Ok felt like it. Circled by 100's ok my husband said 30 people all wanting to touch the kids, pushing to take a picture it was a bit scary. I cannot imagine being a movie star they were out of control.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Executive Decision

We changed hotels today. We now have unreal views and air conditioning. My daughter is on a real bed too so this made her real happy. The other hotel was nice and the staff loved the kids but the lack of a real mattress and the second bed on the floor was what did us in. So we are now on the 19th floor with views that are non stop.
Our last hotel had blocked out windows that looked into an alley so you can see why we are happy.

The sun has not been out the whole time we are here and though it gets warm I hear that its like this for 2 more months. Not what I thought after HCMC.

Friday, March 23, 2007

We went on a great adventure today to Bat Trang. We drove through the town and entered a dirt road. It was amazing and true Vietnam. On this dirt road we are driving is a canopy set up and a man cutting hair. Farther down I guess two men had to go to the bathroom so they just pull over and relieve themselves. The road is narrow and they honk like someone is listening (they don’t) as you pass on curves and pray that your going to make it to your destination. One right turn and your in Pottery village. What an amazing little town of one pottery shop after another. We were taken into the first shop and up 4 flights of stairs to watch them make and paint cups/bowls. This turned out to be well worth the trip and we so enjoyed going from one shop to the next. The picture above is a mans bike with his goods on it. We found the seat but not the pedals. Wish I had seen him pedal up.
After arriving back we went for another walk. You have to be careful of where your going as the streets do not run even and we learned fast how easy you can go in the wrong direction and end up at the opposite end of where your headed. I think Myles is shopped out as he falls asleep each day on our shopping trips. Today we tried to keep him up for as long as we could. I think it was later then yesterday so maybe I will not be getting up at 3am again.
I left the kids at the hotel and ventured out to get water. We use a lot as we boil water to clean the bottles. I make it to the corner and turn and here is a lady with her 5-6 yr old son who also had to go to the bathroom so right there he is going into the gutter. Thank goodness Myles was asleep at the hotel with Alyssa-lauren I would not want to have to convince him he could not do that too.
We got so many smiles today what a change already. She loves playing with her hands and loves to make noises. She loves sucking her thumb and could care less which one as long as she gets one in her mouth. She slept through daddy coming in but he will get his share tomorrow.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rain Drops

It is raining again and my umbrella is home. As in California where it never rains. Seems I did a much better job packing the first time and not needing any of it then I have this time.

We have had the baby two days and just got her schedule. Hmm glad I had an idea what to do before. So at 4 1/2 months old this is her schedule.

5 times formula (per day)

60/ml each time

9pm bedtime

sleeping through the night

10-11am nap

3-4 pm nap

When she cries put her on your shoulder and massage her back....

So I look at my bottle and realize I am feeding her to much. she gets only 2 oz 5 times a day and I am probably way over stimulating her as well. Thank goodness I didn't know what I was doing.

Here she is...

This is a short post because the import part is showing you Sierra. The picture is at the Giving and Receiving ceremony. We now look forward to our appointment next week so we can bring her home...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One interview down

We have the baby and had our first appointment this morning. We applied for her passport and have another appointment on Thursday to pick it up. We also have our first interview with the U. S Embassy on Tuesday at 3pm. This sounds like progress and we hope to be home soon. Meaning no change on our tickets or get out a day or two earlier, which I sure hope to be.
Sierra is HUGE. Yes you got that right but we will not have a weight till next week at our medical exam.
Myles is doing great and loves HIS baby. He asked where Rylee-ann is and we told him we are still trying. Have heard nothing from that agency at all since the last email that was only full of threats so we have no clue where we stand.
Today's forecast RAIN. I packed for hot not cold argh...

2 days early

We got her she is our and now we wait for papers to be done so we can bring her home to you. Exhausted is what we are so this is going to be short. More tomorrow but after a long day and long drive we need sleep. She looks twice the size of the other baby's that are only 2 weeks younger then her.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hoi Chi Minh but in Hanoi

Today we woke up and thank goodness we had an excuse that our hair looked so bad. The power went out, not that power would help at this point. We learned that curly is all we will get with some frizz.. And you wonder why we lose power???

Breakfast was at candlelight but they did have some things we were able to recognize. the pineapple is better here then home. It is so neat eating and watching the traffic pass you buy. Our only problem so far is any street vendor catches Alyssa-Laurens eye and she thinks we should buy from them because they are sad.
We met the staff and off to Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum. Talk about lines, Disneyland they have you beat. We wound in and out to where they take your stroller first and purse but you are told to keep your money. If I understood right it was be back by 12 or was it 12:30. You then continue down the line around corners and past buildings to the next security that you go through. This time they scan your camera and give you a bag. What is the bag for is all I could think. Two turns and a block over is where they take your camera. Not close yet but getting there we reach the building and walk up the stairs and into a cold room with guards. It is a casket looking shrine with what would be Hoi Chi Minh inside (wax?).

Now remember I told you it was 12 or 12:30? Well we did not get back in time and our guide had no clue which way to go let alone how to figure it out. I kept pointing that way she went this way instead. Ok I knew it was wrong finally I headed my way and we found the building but it was closed.. Locked up dark as in they all left. Not a problem they will come back after lunch right? Turns out WRONG. They were waiting for us outside and not happy at all they have the afternoon off. Phew we got our stroller and my purse.

This is only the start and what an amazing town. Don't get me wrong I loved Hoi Chi Minh city but this is smaller streets and a different atmosphere.

And to end our day we took a walk to the lake. We got back before dark so as you can tell its still early but we are now 14 hours ahead (daylight savings is not observed here thank goodness or it would be 15 hrs). So by 4 pm my man was out cold.....

Monday, March 19, 2007

Where are we????

Wow talk about tired. We arrived into Hanoi safe and less quite a few tears It was one emotional send off no wonder my daughter and I are so exhausted. Grandma and Grandpa rushed to see us off and finally at 11:30 we parted to the security gates. I thought I was going alone as my daughter did not want to let her sister go.
The flight was very long but good. Myles slept for quite a while on the first leg (the long one). Now its only 20 to 4 in the afternoon here and I am so tired and of course he is awake. We were met by our agency staff and taken to our hotel. How you find the street is beyond me as I am sure we went in circles for 5 minutes to just get here.
Tomorrow is another day and we are exhausted so more tomorrow.
Bye from Hanoi

Thursday, March 15, 2007

They said be flexable

So as I pack the last of my things I get a call from our agency.... You have to be kidding is my thought but heck what is an extra 5 days. It seems that our giving and receiving is moved to Friday and I tried to change my flight but as usual they are all booked. How is it that every flight into Hanoi Vietnam is booked from Monday through Wednesday. So we go as planned and get to site see. They will also help arrange for a few excursions. I am getting so excited. Now the bad news :) I did manage to get my husband on a flight to come in on Friday and leave Sunday. Why you ask? The baby is an automatic citizen if he sees her before the completion of our adoption. This makes our life easier and we do not have to see our social worker again for 1 full year this way. So the bad news is I got him on our frequent flier miles but he travels first class. Now does this sound fair to you? I thought not. I am so jealous we are flying deluxe class...

Is she still sick?

I have tried for one week to get my daughter out of school and on independent studies to no avail. It seems she does not qualify because our school district does not like independent studies. Sad but she is going no matter what. They seem to want me to leave her with anyone and I mean anyone and say it is a law that I send her to school. How about home schooling? Oh they are against that as well.
So our bags are almost packed, my 14 yr old is going with me as well as my 3 year old. No you did not miss it my husband is staying home. Can he call her in sick each day?
So tickets, passport, visa all here but the power of attorney has not gotten out of San Francisco.
I am so looking forward to getting there and holding our daughter.

Monday, March 12, 2007

One last paper

We had to get one more paper since Chuck is not traveling with me, his power of attorney giving me permission to make the decisions in Vietnam. Now if they would let me sneak in an extra child while there don't think twice I would :) it does not specify much on it. So first thing this morning the notary, then to the County office in Van Nuys to pay $9 to tell someone that the notary is real. Do I wish I had a camera today. I get to Van Nuys and park (a miracle on its own) and head inside. Turns out I missed the girl who gives us the gold seal she went on a Mint break. Yeah you read that right the sign said "15 Mint Break". I so wanted to ask 20 minutes later how her mints were. You then take this document to the Secretary of State's office in L.A and another $26 dollars later they will certify the county is real. Add parking and my document so far has cost me $41 dollars. Don't worry the Consulate of Vietnam gets it next for another $50 dollars and the Express mail at $14.95 each way runs you at $120.90 least they could do is add another baby in the deal.
And now the packing they say light. If I am allowed 6 suitcases (2 per person) is taking only 4 light? What worries me is what my 14 year old is planning on packing this may go up to 6.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can it be true?

We have not posted as it seemed all our posts were taken back to the first agency as well as a family who took the pictures of our girls off our page and inquired about adopting them. Sorry for the inconvenience but I had no other way to log our journey and not have it get taken back to our first agency.

So the good news is we got a call Feb 27th. This person is singing "Your going to Vietnam" over and over. Ok I knew this.. right its in the end of March most likely April. WHAT???? Be there by March 19th your kidding. I don't think I quite got it all day. We are getting Sierra this is real.


Wow I have a lot of work ahead of me.....

Why have I not seen enough

About Me

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Full time mom part time Maid, Cook, Gardner, Chauffer. Expert at folding panties that others find amusing to throw around the store. Adopted our son in 2005 and though g-d called many to adoption it was my desire to be a mom again that called me to adoption. We have one child from Kazakhstan and one from Vietnam and hope to add one more child to our family. Our dream started with China but I knew in Feb of 2006 that the projected 2 yr wait was at least 3 and I have no patience.