Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can it be true?

We have not posted as it seemed all our posts were taken back to the first agency as well as a family who took the pictures of our girls off our page and inquired about adopting them. Sorry for the inconvenience but I had no other way to log our journey and not have it get taken back to our first agency.

So the good news is we got a call Feb 27th. This person is singing "Your going to Vietnam" over and over. Ok I knew this.. right its in the end of March most likely April. WHAT???? Be there by March 19th your kidding. I don't think I quite got it all day. We are getting Sierra this is real.


Wow I have a lot of work ahead of me.....

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Why have I not seen enough

About Me

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Full time mom part time Maid, Cook, Gardner, Chauffer. Expert at folding panties that others find amusing to throw around the store. Adopted our son in 2005 and though g-d called many to adoption it was my desire to be a mom again that called me to adoption. We have one child from Kazakhstan and one from Vietnam and hope to add one more child to our family. Our dream started with China but I knew in Feb of 2006 that the projected 2 yr wait was at least 3 and I have no patience.